Use Windows 7 at Your Own Risk


 Microsoft WARNING — 'Use Windows 7 at Your Own Risk'

During a recent interview with the Windows Weekly, Microsoft chief marketing officer Chris Capossela warned about the risks of using Windows 7 and urged users that it's time to switch to the new Windows 10 operating system instead.

Capossela also stressed that Windows 7 is apparently less secure than Windows 10, so it is "so incredibly important to try to end the fragmentation of the Windows install base" as well as to get them to a "safer place."
In this statement the so-called safer place Microsoft means is its newest operating system Windows 10.

Here’s what Capossela worried for Windows 7 Users:
 "We do worry when people are running an operating system that’s 10 years old that the next printer they buy isn’t going to work well, or they buy a new game, they buy Fallout 4, a very popular game, and it doesn’t work on a bunch of older machines.

 And so, as we are pushing our ISV [Independent Software Vendor] and hardware partners to build great new stuff that takes advantage of Windows 10 that obviously makes the old stuff really bad and not to mention viruses and security problems."
